There are Black Friday deals everywhere to be had on the best electronics, including smartphones and smartwatches. Black Friday is a month-long experience at this point, but this week in particular should be extra solid. Google Fi is one of those outlets running one of the best promotions if the Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro were on your list.
For new Google Fi customers, Google will drop $300 off the Pixel 7 Pro or $200 off the Pixel 7. With those discounts, you would be paying just $599 for Google’s top tier phone and $399 for the Pixel 7 I can’t get enough of. Those are the best Pixel 7 Black Friday deals around.
Of course, you’ll noticed I mentioned that this is for “new” customers. Google really wants people to switch over to Google Fi, so that’s why the biggest discount is for newbies. If that’s an acceptable ask, then here’s what else you need to know.