83 — Kabir Khan’s tale on India’s Cricket World Cup winning team of 1983 — is now streaming on Netflix and Disney+ Hotstar. The movie is available in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu. Over the weekend, 83 also had its TV premiere in India and was aired on Star Gold on Sunday night. 83 stars Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Pankaj Tripathi, Ammy Virk, Harrdy Sandhu, and Tahir Raj Bhasin in various roles. Even after three months of its release, the film is still available to watch in cinemas though naturally has very few shows available.
All steps of its release cycle have been completed as 83 can now be watched on Netflix and Disney+ Hotstar from today, March 21. This marks the most affordable way to watch the film online in India. 83 was released in cinemas across the country on December 24, 2021. That means the movie spent roughly three months — or 12 weeks — in theatres before being beamed into our homes, longer than the 8-week window that the producers had desired, likely due to the January Omicron wave of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.